HSAA training
High School Athletic and Activity Association Trainings
Access your state's mental health training by clicking the button below.
Access your state's mental health training by clicking the button below.
160 68th St. SW Suite 120
Grand Rapids, MI 49548
info@benice.org | 616.389.8601
Download Our 990 FormEmotions can be really painful sometimes. If you are using self-harm to manage your emotions, we want you to pause and reach out to one of the numbers above.
Texting "nice" to 741741 (Crisis Text Line) is a good way to cool down and get some positive coping mechanisms to manage how you're feeling right now.
Si no sabes a quién recurrir, solo escribe NICE al 741741. Los Consejeros de Crisis voluntarios de Crisis Text Line están allí para ti. ¡Es gratis y 24/7!
Call 988 if you prefer to hear someone's voice on the other line - they can talk you through this.